Three variables:
x = 12
y = 8
z = 12

If else Condition Statement (compares x to y):
12 is greater than 8

If, Else If, Else Condition Statement (compares x to z):
12 is equal to 12

Switch/Case Condition Statement (Checks Month):
The current month is February, what should we celebrate?
Celebrate Valentines Day!

If-Else and If-Else-If-Else statements execute code
if a specific statement is true. If none of the if
statements contained are true, then the else statement
will be triggered.

The switch/case statement is a simplification for longer
If-Else-If-Else statements. It takes in a variable and checks
it against multiple conditions until one is met. If no conditions
are met, there is a default that acts as the 'else'.